
An assessment of the delivery of outputs as agreed with Member States in the programme budget, by:

Effective delivery of technical support in countriesEffective strategic direction and leadership
Effective delivery of leadership in healthAccountability
Client service delivery
Impactful integration of gender, equity, human rights and disability
Delivering value for money
Outcome / Output Technical scorecards

Technical support Leadership Global Goods / TPs --> Gender, Equity, Human Rights and Disability Value for money

Enabling scorecards

Strategy and Leadership Accountability Client service delivery Gender, Equity, Human Rights and Disability Value for Money

Scoring scale 1 Emergent 2 Developing 3 Satisfactory 4 Strong The score (shown as a line) is the aggregate of the attributes (shown as segments)

The use of the term “countries” in this information product should be understood as including countries, territories and areas.

How WHO is driving impact on the ground

Overview of investment




US$ million US$ million US$ million




Primary Health Care oriented model of care to advance Universal Health Coverage in Pakistan

Improved access to quality essential health services irrespective of gender, age or disability status Read more

Reduced number of people suffering financial hardship Read more

Improved access to essential medicines, vaccines, diagnostics and devices for primary health care Read more

Countries prepared for health emergencies Read more Epidemics and pandemics prevented Read more Health emergencies rapidly detected and responded to Read more Safe and equitable societies through addressing health determinants Read more Supportive and empowering societies through addressing health risk factors Read more Healthy environments to promote health and sustainable societies Read more Strengthened country capacity in data and innovation Read more Strengthened leadership, governance and advocacy for health Read more

Financial, human, and administrative resources managed in an efficient, effective, results-oriented and transparent manner Read more