South east london cancer network chemotherapy protocols

Chemotherapy (SACT)
Guidelines for Chemotherapy (SACT) are listed below:
Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information in a given regimen it cannot be guaranteed that the regimen is fully up to date, because of the dynamic nature of cancer treatment. Check the regimen details for the specific indication the regimen may be used / funded in. See our disclaimer.
SACT dose bands & product specifications
The SACT dose banding and standardisation set up on Aria.
SACT and Immuno-oncology Guidelines
- 24 Hours telephone service for adults having chemotherapy – refer to local Trust policy
- Anaphylaxis (adults)
- Antiemetics
- Carcinoma of unknown primary (CUP) – chemotherapy options
- Chemotherapy drugs safe handling and administration (adults) – refer to local Trust policy
- Chemotherapy home spillage – refer to local Trust policy
- Chemotherapy (SACT) spillage – refer to local Trust policy
- Cisplatin hydration
- Diarrhoea – chemotherapy induced
- Diarrhoea – capecitabine induced
- Extravasation – requires Chemo CAG ratification
- Extravasation dexrazoxane (Savene) contact details
SACT Non-Network Approved Regimens
Aria User Guides
- How to check which regimens exist on Aria
- Aria user (prescriber) task list
- Accepting regimen amendments
- Adding CrCl and EDTA or Tests
- Cumulative doses
- Date changes
- Deferring and discontinuing treatment
- Dose modifications, discontinuing drugs and deleting future cycles
- Drug administration
- Entering diagnosis ICD10, Morphology and Staging
- Entering providers
- Entering Vital Signs, Toxicities, PS and Allergies
- Erroring an administered agent
- Flow sheet
- General information
- Interaction checking
- Intrathecal chemotherapy
- Logging on, switching users or location and exiting Aria
- Opening patient – Proceed to (and user preferences)
- Patient status icons
- Patient tracking
- Pharmacist screening
- Pharmacist verification
- Pharmacy approval and dispensing
- Prescribing chemotherapy, antiemetics (support medicines) and ordering additional cycles
- Provider approval (prescriber’s pending Rx work list)
- Scheduling
- System back up
- Tool bar icons
- User preferences (and opening page – proceed to)
- Visit tab
SACT Data Guidance
- Data Cleansing for SACT data upload
- Aria use to ensure SACT data upload compliance
Clinical Trials
- Request sheet for trial protocol version to be updated on Aria
- Request sheet for new trial to be added to Aria
- Trials (with version number) on Aria
- Trial regimen Aria set up
Best Practice
National SACT Sharing Best Practice / Innovation Away Day
The Pan Alliances Breast Cancer Group has come together to share new ways of working in breast cancer service delivery across the country.
As part of this a sharing best practice and innovation away day was held earlier this year and the slides and recordings of presentations are available online.