Insurance coverage is something that every business needs to protect itself from unforeseen circumstances. And when it comes to something sensitive as a childcare business, it is a must. Even if you have the safest facility and expert staff to handle toddlers and children properly, accidents can strike at anytime in a daycare.

During stressful situations, such as a child getting injured injured, you need someone to help you cover your back. And we at EK Insurance are here to do just that. With special insurance coverage tailor-made for childcare and daycare center needs, we understand the peace of mind you are looking for and focus on the pain points of your business to ensure you have the best coverage possible in the unlikely case something bad happens.

So what does daycare liability insurance cover? Here are some of the coverages why every daycare needs liability insurance:

Daycare Liability Insurance

We live in a litigious society. There are many ways you might be on the receiving end of liability lawsuit – whether the allegations are real or not. Even if you are found not liable, the legal fees can be very, very expensive. What does daycare liability insurance cover? Liability insurance for childcare offers coverage for court costs & legal fees if the action is covered in your policy. Following are some the most common childcare liability insurance coverages:

Why You Need Daycare Liability Insurance

Whether it’s a medical issue or a property damage issue, our extensive insurance coverage ensures you never get backed into a corner in emergencies. If you haven’t considered getting childcare liability insurance for your business, now might be the right time to do so. Following are some important reasons why child care business’s need liability insurance:

Daycare Insurance Is Required for Licensing

To be licensed by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) you need to have daycare insurance coverage, or else you won’t be qualified for the license. This is because the DHHS isn’t interested in licensing companies that might potentially end up getting into lawsuits. A childcare liability insurance policy ensures that you have met the stringent requirements that will minimize the chance of malpractice lawsuits.

Extended Coverage

What does daycare liability insurance cover? Childcare liability insurance has more liability coverage than a standard home insurance. A typical daycare insurance policy includes coverage for general liability, premise liability (adjacent areas to your business like parking lots), professional liability, commercial vehicle liability, abuse and molestation liability and much more. With all these liabilities covered under one package, you won’t have to seek any extra insurance documentation again.

Lawsuit Protection

A daycare insurance policy is your biggest protection against any kind of lawsuit, which is why the DHHS prefers to license insured and bonded daycare institutions. Most childcare liability insurance policies will provide you the legal costs of a lawsuit and pay damages if necessary as per the amount mentioned in the insurance policy.

Homeowners Insurance Won’t Cut It – Even for In-Home Daycares

Daycare insurance beats homeowners insurance. While it is a common practice among many business owners who run daycare centers to use homeowners insurance for documentation purposes, it doesn’t come anywhere the security and peace of mind that a daycare insurance provides.

Even if you are running a home daycare, you have to realize that your homeowners insurance is only protecting your property. It’s not protecting you from any of the liabilities that accompany the daycare business itself.

Daycare is Getting “Riskier”

The child care industry has boomed in the last couple of years and with it the associated risks and expenditures have gone up as well. If the current state of the US daycare industry is any indication, a lot of incidents and accidents happen in daycare centers and the only way to prevent any loss on account of them is by protecting yourself with a rock solid insurance policy.

Peace of Mind For Parents

When you can show that your business is well insured, you will boost your clients’ sense of security. There are many stories of malpractice and abuse in this industry, so documentation of insurance coverage safeguards the interests of the clients and their child. They will know you are a professional business with professional grade insurance – should an accident ever happen.

What Does Daycare Liability Insurance Cover? – The Bottom Line

We hope this article on what does daycare liability insurance cover? has been informative. While you might be worried about the costs associated with insuring a childcare business, they are negligible compared to the risk of not being insured. All it takes is one incident to bankrupt your business. Remember, also, that even if you think that you’ve got everything under control, you can’t keep an eye on all of your employees all of the time.

Accidents happen, and when they do, you want to be prepared. No one plans on wrecking their car, but they carry auto insurance just in case. They carry it for their own peace of mind, and that of other drivers. Insuring your daycare follows the same principle. Do it for yourself, and do it for your clients – just in case.

Many people think that huge costs are associated with daycare insurance. Wrong! Let the experts at EK Insurance help you get the best childcare liability insurance coverage for your business. Rest easy knowing that you’ve got a policy that protect your operations. Whether you’re thinking of starting a new childcare business or have been up and running for a while with EK Insurance handling covering your back, your daycare will be safe for years to come!

EK Insurance - We're committed to securing your peace of mind with our insurance solutions.