HKUMed UG Prospectus 2022

Message From the Dean Professor Chak-sing Lau, BBS, JP Dean of Medicine HKUMed often features in the news for its world-leading research, of which all members of the Faculty, both students and staff, are very proud – our much-publicised work on COVID-19 is but one example of this. But we are equally proud of the outstanding quality of our education programmes. Education is our first priority at HKUMed – otherwise we would simply be a research institute – and we make continual efforts to ensure our students not only receive the highest quality education possible but feel supported throughout their time here. Across all our programmes – MBBS, BNurs, BChinMed, BPharm, BBiomedSc, BASc in Global Health and Development and BSc in Bioinformatics – students not only receive a top-notch professional education, but the skills to keep learning beyond graduation. Knowledge and technology are continually advancing and our task is to prepare you so you can acquire knowledge independently, distinguish what is important and apply that to patient care and research. You will most definitely have this capability when you leave HKUMed. We also ensure our students have access to state-of-science technologies and techniques, such as augmented and virtual reality, data analytics, simulated reality and, starting this year, hand-held ultrasound probes, which are being provided to all Specialty Clerks in the MBBS. Technology is increasingly central to healthcare and we want our students to be skilful in applying it in the field. A unique feature of education at HKUMed is our emphasis on enrichment. Careers in healthcare and research are demanding. Your years of study are a precious time when you can deepen your understanding of the world and gain new experiences. We provide enrichment options across our programmes and, most importantly, support in making the most of these. We also have programmes and people in place to support student well-being and help guide you through the many challenges and rewards of your studies. I include myself in this – my door is always open to students and I always respond to their calls be they in the form of an email or a social media message. Support also includes the physical infrastructure for studying. HKUMed is in the midst of a great physical expansion that will enhance all of our teaching and research activities. No. 3 Sassoon Road opened this year to house the School of Nursing and School of Chinese Medicine. We are also developing a state-of-the-art clinical skills training centre with simulation facilities and a student services centre at William M.W. Mong Building and a new Clinical Training and Amenities Centre, both of which will be completed within the next couple of years. When you join HKUMed, you are not only gaining an education, you are joining the HKUMed family. We have produced many leaders in medicine, government and other fields in Hong Kong and around the world. Our aim is to make all students, staff and alumni proud and happy members of the HKUMed family. I hope you will join us and become a part of our honourable legacy. 1

The Cradle of Healthcare Professionals HKUMed is this year celebrating its 135th anniversary, making it the oldest institution of higher education in Hong Kong. We have a strong reputation as a pioneer in medical education, training and research, while proudly serving as a bastion of morality, vision and care. The challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted how crucial medical education is to society. From providing care to patients, to leading crucial research that has driven policy decisions, we are honoured to serve the global community. In the face of these challenges, we have achieved a historically high ranking for “clinical and health” subjects in the 2022 Times Higher Education World University Rankings and are continuing to uphold professionalism and clinical teaching excellence. The Faculty now ranks in 20th position globally and 3rd in Asia for this category. We are proud to continue our tradition of spearheading achievement from our campus on Sassoon Road. We have trained thousands of healthcare practitioners and scientists, as well as many internationally renowned researchers and policy-makers. Each year, we admit almost 640 students across seven programmes, which include MBBS, BNurs, BChinMed, BPharm, BBiomedSc, BASc(GHD) and BSc(Bioinformatics), and our student body is one of the largest for a single Faculty, totalling more than 4,850 people. 2

Teaching and Learning: Empowering Curious Minds More than 320 full-time teaching staff from our 20 departments and schools deploy the latest technologies, such as virtual reality, to engage students in the classroom. These full-time teachers are supplemented by honorary teachers, most of whom are medical professionals. HKUMed takes a student-centred approach, always listening to your needs and welcoming feedback on the curriculum and other aspects of student life. We are constantly reviewing the curriculum to ensure it keeps pace with scientific developments and the needs of modern healthcare. To achieve this, our teaching is constantly evolving to ready you for today’s healthcare industry, such as training in point-of-care ultrasound for medical students. You have access to enrichment opportunities throughout your time at HKUMed, from international exchanges to volunteering for community vaccine drives. Clinical Service: Building a Caring and Compassionate Society HKUMed delivers superlative clinical service and provides robust clinical governance in all settings that we serve. Our four affiliated hospitals under the HKU Health System offer valuable opportunities for students to learn more and learn better. These hospitals also represent the Faculty’s leading status in healthcare management in Hong Kong and the region. Research and Innovation: Opening Locked Doors to the Unknown Research is an important part of HKUMed’s global reputation: 61 of our members ranked among the top 1% of scholars in their field in terms of citation and recognition. We are always looking ahead to the next breakthrough while brushing up our existing areas of expertise. As such, HKUMed researchers stand at the forefront of research into COVID-19 and infectious diseases globally with two of our scientists receiving the 2021 Future Science Prize in Life Sciences for their work. Our researchers are supported by ample funding, state-of-the-art facilities and the Faculty’s extensive worldwide networks. As an undergraduate, you can explore research opportunities with the guidance of our scientists and pursue discoveries in our world-class laboratories to get a head start on your career. Our members engage in a wide range of activities to share their knowledge and expertise to benefit Hong Kong society as a whole. HKUMed graduates are a testament to the excellent education we provide and have gone on to become the leaders in their fields in Hong Kong and the world. 3

Faculty’s Firsts The Faculty has always been at the forefront of medical research and development of new clinical services for the benefit of mankind. With our researchers’ toil and persistence, we have made important contributions to the study and treatment of cancers and liver diseases, and have made notable advances in tissue typing, spinal surgery, infectious diseases, in-vitro fertilisation, endocrinology and tobacco-related diseases. First transoral approach performed for the surgical treatment of upper cervical spine dislocations and tuberculosis in the world Pioneered anterior approach for surgical treatment of spinal tuberculosis, known as the “Hong Kong Operation” First Pharyngo-laryngo-oesophagectomy in the world 1959 First in the world to conduct an adult-to-adult right lobe living donor liver transplant First in Asia to show improved respiratory health in children in response to pollutant reduction after the implement of anti-air pollution law 1996 First catheter based endomyocardial transplant of autologous bone marrow stem cell for treatment of severe coronary artery diseases in the world First radiofrequency ablation for cancers in Hong Kong 2001 First antenatal screening for hereditary blood disease established in Hong Kong 1983 First kidney transplant in Hong Kong 1969 1990 First bone marrow transplant in Hong Kong 1964 First maxillary swing operation for recurrent nasopharyngectomy in the world 1989 First lung transplant in Hong Kong First baby in Hong Kong conceived through intracytoplasmic sperm injection was delivered 1995 First microsurgical thumb replant in Hong Kong 1977 First intervertebral disc transplant in humans in the world 2000 4

First live birth by assisted reproduction with preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) using next generation sequencing for couples having chromosomal error in Hong Kong 2016 The world’s first remotely controlled expandable device implantation surgery to treat children with scoliosis 2009 First to characterise the epidemiology of H7N9 influenza in the world 2013 First magnetic sphincter augmentation for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in Asia 2019 First extra-cranial intravenous-cranial vascular bypass and craniofacial resection for locally advanced recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma in the world 2011 First to identify the natural reservoir of SARS coronavirus 2005 First to discover the SARS coronavirus First to identify the source of SARS coronavirus infection First to characterise the epidemiology of SARS coronavirus 2003 2004 First subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibri l lator in Asia First exome-chip analysis of l ipid traits in Chinese 2014 COVID-19: HKUMed discovered a novel vaccine strategy to prevent SARS-CoV-2 nasal infection 2021 COVID-19: The Department of Microbiology and the HKU-Shenzhen Hospital provided the world’s first evidence to establ ish person-to-person spread in The Lancet 2020 First comprehensive study of MERS coronaviruses in Africa First invention of universal antibody drug for HIV-1 prevention and immunotherapy 2018 First in the world to describe a model of coronavirus evolution, based on the 23 novel human and animal coronaviruses discovered over 10 years 2012 First to develop a patented prescription drug, an oral arsenic trioxide preparation for the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukaemia First combined heart and liver transplant in Hong Kong 2010 First in the world to develop and launch a publicly accessible index (Hedley Environment Index) with hourly estimation of air pollution impact on adverse health outcomes and economic costs 2008 5

Commitment to Excellence Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

Professionals in the Making The curriculum is delivered across four themes: Professional Skills: Diagnostic, Problem Solving, Effective Communication and Clinical Management Human Biology in Health and Disease Medical Ethics, Professional Attitudes and Behaviour Population Health, Health Services, Economics and Policy Our MBBS curriculum aims to produce doctors who are forward-thinking, well-informed and capable of delivering humane and ethical medical care. HKUMed graduates will be ready to practise, dedicated to professionally serving the community, and prepared to excel through life-long learning across their future careers. 1

Year 3 Enrichment Year Years 1—2 Pre-clinical Curriculum ࠮ 0U[YVK\J[PVU [V [OL (Y[ HUK Science of Medicine ࠮ :`Z[LT IHZLK )SVJRZ Years 4—6 Clinical Curriculum ࠮ *SPUPJHS -V\UKH[PVU )SVJR ࠮ *SPUPJHS *SLYRZOPWZ ࠮ 4)): ,SLJ[P]L The structure is as follows: An Illuminating Six-Year Quest The MBBS curriculum runs for six years, or 12 semesters. The delivery of the MBBS 140 Curriculum is structured along the “140+ CORE situations” as the backbone. CORE being “Common situations pertaining to Ordinary clinical settings, in which students are expected to acquire the Relevant knowledge, skills and behaviour that are Essential MVY JVTWL[LU[ HUK L[OPJHS WYVMLZZPVUHS WYHJ[PJL¹ 0U 4)): 0 HUK 00 LTWOHZPZ PZ WSHJLK VU PU[LNYH[PVU VM IPVTLKPJHS ZJPLUJLZ PU H WH[PLU[ VYPLU[LK HWWYVHJO HSPNULK ^P[O [OL *69, ;OL *SPUPJHS *SLYRZOPWZ 4)): 0= [V =0 MVJ\Z VU understanding the Principles of Medicine and Healthcare, with Readiness for Practice in authentic clinical settings as the ultimate curriculum goal. 2

The curriculum is being constantly renewed in light of emerging knowledge and societal needs to ensure your training is fit-for-purpose and forward looking. It is not without good reason that many of the leaders in our field are HKUMed graduates! 3

HKUMed nurtures competent medical professionals prepared to flourish and excel in the fast-changing healthcare environment of the 21st century. We place a strong emphasis on our students’ personal development and fulfilment. Our programme provides you with ample opportunities for personal growth that will carry you well into your future, when you will serve and excel as responsible citizens, colleagues, teachers and friends within our profession and for the wider community. Enabling Students to Flourish and Excel 4

Comprehensive Hospital-based, Community-based and Primary Care Experience (SVUNZPKL SLHYUPUN [OH[ [HRLZ WSHJL ^P[OPU OVZWP[HSZ `V\ ^PSS NHPU MPYZ[ OHUK L_WLYPLUJL PU H ^PKL ]HYPL[` VM JVTT\UP[` IHZLK ZL[[PUNZ PU]VS]PUN MHTPS` WO`ZPJPHUZ TH[LYUHS HUK JOPSK OLHS[O ZLY]PJLZ hospices and patient support groups. This exposure to different arenas of the public health system enables development of a holistic perspective on patient management and a richer understanding of the integration between primary and secondary care. Enrichment Opportunities Our programme goes well beyond vocational training. Your third year of study, which we call the Enrichment Year, offers a golden opportunity to explore areas of interest in either medical or UVU TLKPJHS MPLSKZ HUK KLZPNU `V\Y V^U SLHYUPUN WYVNYHTTL PU /VUN 2VUN VY HIYVHK :PTPSHYS` HM[LY [OL -V\Y[O :\TTH[P]L (ZZLZZTLU[ [OL ^LLR 4)): ,SLJ[P]L SL[Z `V\ L_WSVYL H TLKPJHS HYLH VM `V\Y JOVPJL 0U [HUKLT ^P[O ZOHYWLUPUN `V\Y JSPUPJHS RUV^ OV^ ^L J\YH[L [OL TPUKZL[ VM H JVTWL[LU[ KVJ[VY [OYV\NO JVSSHIVYH[PVU ZLSM PUP[PH[LK SLHYUPUN HUK IVSK ^PSSPUNULZZ [V [LZ[ [OLVYPLZ ]PH WYVISLT IHZLK SLHYUPUN 6

Practising Scientific Research HKUMed is at the frontier of global medical research, driven by a strong commitment to improving human health through scientific discovery and advancement in medicine. Research requires and enables you to develop intellectual and analytical skills for a vast array of situations. As a medical student, you will have opportunities to participate in research training that leads to output in scientific journals and significant societal impact. @V\Y YLZLHYJO JHU IL JSPUPJ IHZLK VY SHIVYH[VY` IHZLK HUK P[ JHU LP[OLY IL WHY[ VM H WYVQLJ[ ^P[O -HJ\S[` Z[HMM TLTILYZ VY ZLSM PUP[PH[LK \UKLY [OL Z\WLY]PZPVU VM H [LHJOLY K\YPUN [OL Enrichment Year/MBBS Elective. Focus on Medical Ethics and Humanities Ethical principles and humanitarian values are absolutely essential for doctors to meet the needs and demands of 21st century healthcare. You will learn how these principles and values underpin healthcare practice, as well as your professional and legal obligations, through the medical ethics and medical humanities programmes. They are developed and JVVYKPUH[LK I` V\Y 4LKPJHS ,[OPJZ HUK /\THUP[PLZ

Pre-clinical Curriculum: Building the Foundation Years 1 and 2 You will acquire health sciences knowledge and basic ZRPSSZ PU ZLSM KPYLJ[LK SLHYUPUN I` Z[\K`PUN HJ[\HS WH[PLU[ cases. You will also have your first exposure to patients through community visits, where you will learn about their care in their social and economic contexts. ;OL 7YL JSPUPJHS *\YYPJ\S\T JV]LYZ [OL MVSSV^PUN [OLTLZ! To strengthen your foundation in basic and health sciences. Introduction to Health Sciences To gain an overview of the processes of diseases and an introduction to the therapeutic strategies for modulating disease processes. Professionalism and Clinical Skills To explore the exciting innovations in treating disease at the frontiers of genetics and genomics, artificial intelligence and robotics. Precision Medicine To learn about the ethical and legal implications of modern medical care, medical humanities and professionalism. Medical Humanities, Ethics and Law To learn about caring for the patient as an individual, and as a member of a family and a community. Medicine and Society 8

Introduction to the Art and Science of Medicine (14 weeks) ;OL 0(:4 TVK\SL \UKLY [OL 7YL JSPUPJHS *\YYPJ\S\T provides a comprehensive foundation of the biomedical sciences that are critical to the art of medical practice. The 0(:4 TVK\SL THRLZ \W TVZ[ VM `V\Y SLHYUPUN K\YPUN [OL first semester at HKUMed and is organised under the following modules: Molecules of Medicine Drugs in Action Cells, Tissues & Systems Infections and Host Defence System-based Blocks (48 weeks) ;OL JVTWSL_P[` VM O\THU OLHS[O PZ YLMSLJ[LK PU V\Y Z`Z[LT IHZLK blocks, where you will acquire an understanding about the workings of the human body during the second semester of Year 1 HUK [OL LU[PYL @LHY ;OL ZP_ Z`Z[LT IHZLK ISVJRZ JV]LY! Cardiopulmonary and Renal Systems; Gastrointestinal System; Musculoskeletal System; Head, Neck and Nervous System; /HLTH[VSVN` HUK 0TT\UVSVN` :`Z[LT" HUK ,UKVJYPUL HUK Reproductive Systems. Students are at the centre of all we do as teachers. Active learning is a top priority – having students engaged in innovative ways during lectures and practicals, collaborating during problem-based learning, and actively responding to probing questions with immediate feedback through our e-learning platforms. My first year at HKUMed was quite the baptism of fire, but nothing short of amazing. I have so many opportunities to discover what I want to get out of life and my passions during my study. Finding my footing with all parts of life as a med student — friends, societies, workload, hall life and more — is made so much easier by the community here. From attending conferences in Malaysia to pushing through every struggle, whatever paths you choose here, there will be joy and success along the way! Professor Julian Tanner MBBS Programme Director 7YL JSPUPJHS Winston Lam MBBS Year 2 Student 9

Service / Humanitarian Work 540+ 45+ 220+ 35+ Participating local / overseas NGOs such as 7H[O-PUKLYZ /VUN 2VUN 9LK *YVZZ :HS]H[PVU (YT` HUK Caritas Hong Kong Countries/regions across 5 continents MVY 0U[LYJHSH[PVU 9LZLHYJO ([[HJOTLU[ and/or Service/Humanitarian Work Research Attachment Research projects at labs of HKU or renowned institutions such as University of Cambridge, Yale University and The University of British Columbia Students went overseas in Intercalation 490+ 110+ 270+ Students went on exchange in 26 countries / regions *Updated as of September 2022 Degrees LHYULK PUJS\KPUN PU[LYJHSH[LK KLNYLL HUK THZ[LY»Z KLNYLL Top-notch overseas institutions including Harvard Medical School, 8\LLU 4HY`

“I did a research attachment at Cancer Research UK, Cambridge. I believe that doctors are lifelong learners, and gaining experience with bioinformatics research can give rise to new ways of thinking about biology.” Chan Yu Kiu Elkie 9LZLHYJO ([[HJOTLU[ -LH[\YL 0U[LNYH[PVU MVY ,HYS` :[HNL *HUJLY +L[LJ[PVU! ;YPTTLYZ HUK (SPNULYZ MVY [OL -YHNTLU[VTPJZ VM J[+5( VYR 0U[LYUZOPW H[ 9PNO[ 7H[O ;YHPUPUN :LY]PJLZ 4HSH`ZPH “I decided to take up a service project in the mainland China during EY to pursue something beyond medical knowledge, aiming at fostering my own personal growth and to become more independent, mature and empathetic. The Enrichment Year allowed me to become not only a better doctor in the future, but also a better person in a holistic way.” Xiao Ailin :LY]PJL /\THUP[HYPHU >VYR 0U[LYUZOPW H[ 4LKPJHYL 9LZV\YJLZ 3[K *OPUH “With little exposure to Pathology during our pre-clinical years, the Enrichment Year has presented an amazing opportunity for me to discover topics of pathology that have not been disclosed to us in earlier years of our medical school journey. With the progression through medical school, I hope to continue my participation in research and its related activities.” So Zi Qing Valerie 0U[LYJHSH[PVU 4HZ[LY VM 9LZLHYJO PU 4LKPJPUL H[ /2< /VUN 2VUN “The EY has been an amazing year! The intercalated BSc degree at the University of Bristol has equipped me with the requisite knowledge, research skills, and statistical literacy to become future clinician-scientists in the era of Evidence-Based Medicine. It is my privilege to be taught by the top academic scholars in Bristol, and I also benefit a lot from working with other high calibre students from across the world.” Tsang Christopher Tze Wei 0U[LYJHSH[PVU 0U[LYJHSH[LK KLNYLL H[

Clinical Curriculum: Readiness for Practice Years 4—6 ;OPZ PZ ^OLU `V\ ^PSS LU[LY [OL YLHS SPML ^VYSK VM JSPUPJHS WYHJ[PJL HUK NL[ M\SS L_WVZ\YL [V OV^ KVJ[VYZ ^VYR VU H KH` [V KH` IHZPZ @V\ ^VYR HSVUNZPKL KVJ[VYZ HUK U\YZLZ HZ [OL` [YLH[ WH[PLU[Z ^OPSL LX\PWWPUN `V\ ^P[O [OL ULJLZZHY` OHUKZ VU ZRPSSZ HUK HU PU KLW[O \UKLYZ[HUKPUN VM JSPUPJHS TLKPJPUL ILMVYL `V\ QVPU [OL YHURZ HZ H M\[\YL OLHS[O WYVMLZZPVUHS @V\ ^PSS NV [OYV\NO [OYLL WOHZLZ! *SPUPJHS -V\UKH[PVU )SVJR *SPUPJHS *SLYRZOPWZ HUK 4)): ,SLJ[P]L ;OL ^LLR *SPUPJHS -V\UKH[PVU )SVJR ^LSJVTLZ `V\ IHJR MYVT [OL ,UYPJOTLU[ @LHY HUK VYPLU[H[LZ `V\ [V [OL WYHJ[PJL VM JSPUPJHS TLKPJPUL 0[ PZ KLZPNULK [V WYLWHYL `V\ [V ¸[OPUR HUK HJ[¹ SPRL H KVJ[VY I` JVUZVSPKH[PUN `V\Y ZRPSSZ PU OPZ[VY` [HRPUN physical examination and clinical reasoning. Clinical Foundation Block ;OPZ PZ HU L_[LUZP]L HUK L_JP[PUN WLYPVK VM [YHPUPUN Y\UUPUN MYVT TPK @LHY [V [OL MPUHS @LHY @V\ ^PSS IL KPYLJ[S` PU]VS]LK PU KH` [V KH` WH[PLU[ care and will be developing skills including diagnosis, investigation and treatment, as well as interpersonal skills when interacting with patients and families. ;OL *SPUPJHS *SLYRZOPWZ ZWHU V]LY [^V WOHZLZ! .LULYHS *SLYRZOPW ^LLRZ HUK (ZZPZ[HU[ 0U[LYUZOPW ^LLRZ ;OYV\NO L_WVZ\YL [V H ]HYPL[` of clinical contexts in hospital and community settings, we enable students to master the broad range of health and disease conditions in a comprehensive manner, and to gain insights into the full impact of illnesses on patients and their families. Your rotations will be in hospitals as ^LSS HZ JSPUPJZ VMMLYPUN HTI\SH[VY` JHYL HUK JVTT\UP[` IHZLK WYPTHY` JHYL ;OL JSLYRZOPWZ ^PSS JV]LY! 4LKPJPUL :\YNLY` 6IZ[L[YPJZ HUK .`UHLJVSVN` 7HLKPH[YPJZ HUK (KVSLZJLU[ 4LKPJPUL 6Y[OVWHLKPJZ HUK ;YH\TH[VSVN` 4PJYVIPVSVN` 7H[OVSVN` 7\ISPJ /LHS[O -HTPS` Medicine and Primary Care, Accident and Emergency Medicine, Anaesthesiology, Clinical Oncology, Diagnostic Radiology, Ophthalmology, 7Z`JOPH[Y` .LYPH[YPJZ 9LOHIPSP[H[PVU HUK 7HSSPH[P]L *HYL HSS LZ[HISPZOLK ZWLJPHS[PLZ HYL \UPX\L HUK MHZJPUH[PUN PU [OLPY V^U YPNO[ Clinical Clerkships Clinical Clerkships MBBS Elective Clinical Foundation Block 14

MBBS/Doctor of Philosophy (MBBS/PhD) ;OL 4)): 7O+ PZ H M\SS [PTL JVTIPULK WYVNYHTTL L_[LUKPUN over not less than nine years and leading to the award of IV[O 4)): HUK 7O+ KLNYLLZ \WVU NYHK\H[PVU 0M `V\ HYL HKTP[[LK [V [OPZ WYVNYHTTL `V\ ^PSS W\YZ\L M\SS [PTL YLZLHYJO \UKLY [OL Z\WLY]PZPVU VM -HJ\S[` [LHJOLYZ HUK undertake coursework prescribed by the Graduate School HUK [OL -HJ\S[` @V\ TH` HSZV H[[LUK VW[PVUHS JSPUPJHS study sessions that are of your interest. An exciting feature of this programme is that you may YLJLP]L WHY[ VM `V\Y [YHPUPUN H[ PU[LYUH[PVUHSS` YLUV^ULK PUZ[P[\[PVUZ V]LYZLHZ [OYV\NO [OL -HJ\S[`»Z PU[LYUH[PVUHS network for research collaborations. HKUMed also has joint PhD/joint educational placement MVY 7O+ WYVNYHTTLZ ^P[O 2PUN»Z *VSSLNL 3VUKVU HUK [OL University of Toronto. :[HY[PUN MYVT [OL /2:(9 NV]LYUTLU[ OHZ ^HP]LK 7O+ JVTWVZP[PVU MLLZ MVY HSS SVJHS Z[\KLU[Z 0U HKKP[PVU *YV\JOLY -V\UKH[PVU :JOVSHYZOPWZ HYL H]HPSHISL MVY H maximum of three outstanding MBBS/PhD students each year to cover the monthly postgraduate studentships, research bench fees and allowances for overseas conference attendance and/or exchange. 18

Transfer from MRes[Med] Enter PhD before MBBS Year 4 0M `V\ \UKLY[HRL [OL PU[LYJHSH[LK 4HZ[LY VM 9LZLHYJO PU 4LKPJPUL 49LZB4LKD K\YPUN `V\Y ,UYPJOTLU[ @LHY `V\ JHU HWWS` [V [YHUZMLY `V\Y JHUKPKH[\YL [V [OL 4)): 7O+ WYVNYHTTL UV SH[LY [OHU [OL [O TVU[O VM [OL 49LZB4LKD ;OL [PTL `V\ ZWLU[ VU 49LZB4LKD ^V\SK be counted towards the probationary period for your PhD study. After submitting your thesis in the last year of PhD study, you would [OLU YL LU[LY [OL 4)): WYVNYHTTL PU @LHY HUK JVTWSL[L [OL YLTHPUPUN `LHYZ \W [V @LHY 0U H U\[ZOLSS [OPZ WH[O^H` PU]VS]LZ [^V `LHYZ VM 4)): VUL `LHY VM 49LZB4LKD [OYLL `LHYZ VM 7O+ HUK [OYLL TVYL `LHYZ VM 4)): LUHISPUN `V\ [V LHYU [OL [^V KLNYLLZ PU nine years. Enter PhD before MBBS Final Year Another pathway is to complete five years of MBBS, followed by three or four years of PhD, then the final year of MBBS. To be qualified MVY [OPZ YV\[L `V\ ^V\SK ULLK [V OH]L! NVVK YLZ\S[Z PU [OL 4)): 0 0= :\TTH[P]L ,_HTPUH[PVUZ HUK H )HJOLSVY»Z KLNYLL ^P[O Z[ JSHZZ OVUV\YZ VY H )HJOLSVY»Z KLNYLL ^P[O OVUV\YZ WS\Z H [H\NO[ 4HZ[LY»Z KLNYLL L N 4:J WYPVY [V HKTPZZPVU [V 4)): MVY `LHY 7O+" VY H YLZLHYJO 4HZ[LY»Z KLNYLL 47OPS H^HYKLK WYPVY [V HKTPZZPVU [V 4)): MVY `LHY 7O+ (M[LY Z\ITP[[PUN `V\Y 7O+ [OLZPZ `V\ ^V\SK YL LU[LY [OL 4)): WYVNYHTTL HUK JVTWSL[L [OL MPUHS `LHY ;OL LU[PYL Z[\K` WLYPVK MVY [OL [^V KLNYLLZ ^V\SK IL UPUL VY [LU `LHYZ There are two pathways through which you can pursue the MBBS/PhD programme: MBBS I - II 1 Year 3 Years 3 Years Enrichment Year MRes[Med] PhD MBBS IV - VI Total: 9 years 2 Years Deadline for Application Application for MBBS/PhD admissions should be made before 30th April every year. Please refer to the Graduate School website for details. MBBS I - V 3-4 Years 1 Year PhD MBBS VI Total: 9 or 10 years Including Enrichment Year 5 Years 19

Pave Your Path Your MBBS is a registrable primary qualification that enables you to apply for registration with the Medical Council of Hong Kong to practise medicine in the region. To obtain full registration, graduates are required to successfully complete a ^LLR ,UOHUJLK 7YL PU[LYUZOPW )SVJR MVSSV^LK I` H `LHY internship in an accredited hospital. The internship will take you through selected rotations in different specialties and will require you to practise clinically under the supervision of experienced doctors. Completion of this basic training will open [OL KVVY [V H T\S[P[\KL VM JHYLLY VW[PVUZ ̷ 0M `V\ ^HU[ [V ILJVTL H :WLJPHSPZ[ `V\ HYL [OLU YLX\PYLK to undergo more years of postgraduate training and further examinations. Postgraduate and specialist training is administered through the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and its JVUZ[P[\LU[ JVSSLNLZ ̷ HKUMed graduates are a heterogeneous group of doctors, THU` VM ^OVT HYL UV^ PU SLHKPUN WVZP[PVUZ̷PU H ]HYPL[` VM MPLSKZ not just medicine. Some serve the community as frontline doctors in the public and private sectors, while others have W\YZ\LK ̷HJHKLTPJ JHYLLYZ PU /VUN 2VUN VY V]LYZLHZ contributing to the development of the next generations of doctors and advancing treatments. Many of our graduates have ILJVTL ^VYSK YLUV^ULK JSPUPJHS L_WLY[Z HUK̷ZJPLU[PZ[Z :VTL have become health administrators involved in policy making HUK OLHS[OJHYL WSHUUPUN̷MVY V\Y JVTT\UP[` V[OLYZ OH]L THKL [OLPY THYR PU UVU TLKPJHS JHYLLYZ Z\JO HZ SH^ I\ZPULZZ VY pharmaceutical development. Whatever path you wish to take, /2

From Simulation Learning to Life Enrichment Bachelor of Nursing

BNurs (JS6468) Developing highly-trained nurses with compassionate care skills is the focus of the BNurs curriculum. Students receive a broad spectrum of clinical and simulation training, as well as inter-professional and problem-based learning. They also develop the global vision by participating in life enrichment learning programmes beyond Hong Kong. 1

Programme Aims and Objectives The Bachelor of Nursing (BNurs) is a five-year full-time programme leading to an honours degree. The objective of the BNurs programme is to provide comprehensive and holistic nursing education and nurture generic nurses who will be able to work as competent practitioners in various healthcare settings. The credit-based curriculum is broad-based and multidisciplinary, and is designed to introduce the bio-psychosocial aspects of health and nursing care. It provides a balance between the broad areas of nursing, biological, behavioural and social sciences. The learning outcomes will enable students to obtain knowledge through the study of different disciplines, and to develop an inquiring mind, interpersonal skills and an understanding of the socio-cultural context in which nursing is practised in Hong Kong. The BNurs programme emphasises the integration of theory and practice. Students are exposed to a variety of clinical environments throughout the study. Comprehensive learning of clinical skills is under the supervision of experienced teaching staff. The process of teaching and learning is directed by nursing academics with a wide range of expertise, supported by the excellent facilities in various departments of the Medical Faculty and clinical settings. 2

As a competent nurse, to heal up a patient’s wound is not only done by your skillful hands, but also with your empathetic heart. Programme Structure The BNurs curriculum includes various courses in each year with an aim to prepare students to be capable of working in different settings as nursing professionals. The main areas covered are Nursing Core Courses, Nursing of Specialised Populations, Theoretical Foundations for Nursing Practice, Foundations in Nursing Research, Nursing Electives, Nursing Practica, Life Sciences, Clinical Pharmacology and Behavioural Sciences. This curriculum structure allows maximum longitudinal and lateral correlations between courses. There are a total of 44 courses running throughout five years. Among these courses, 26 belong to core courses and seven are practicum courses which aim at preparing students to become competent practitioners. The programme also includes one Life Enrichment Learning Course, one nursing elective course, three language courses and six Common Core courses. Altogether they constitute 303 credits in the entire curriculum. Mr Benney Wong Lecturer, School of Nursing 3

HKU Nursing has been nurturing seeds of caring hearts with not only professional knowledge and skills, but also positive values and precious networks that let them bloom into the flowers of tomorrow. I am very grateful to be one of the seeds grown in this beautiful garden. Mr Since Kong BNurs 2010 Manager (Nursing), Nursing Service Department, Hospital Authority Head Office 4

Modes of Learning The BNurs programme incorporates various teaching and learning strategies, such as problem-based learning; inter-professional team-based learning; audiovisuals; e-learning; active learning activities; demonstrations; field trips and educational visits to clinical agencies and community settings. The main classroom teaching approaches include lectures, seminars and tutorials. Clinical education is achieved through laboratory teaching, innovative simulation activities and clinical practicum. Nursing skills are acquired through demonstrations, simulation, videos, e-learning and practice. For Life Sciences and Clinical Pharmacology courses, the laboratory experiences relate to demonstration of specific areas in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology and pharmacology. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Basic / Medical and Surgical Nursing Behavioural Sciences Life Sciences and Clinical Pharmacology Ethics, Law and Professional Issues Specialty Nursing Chinese Medicine and Nursing Community and Global Health Nursing Clinical Reasoning in Practice Management and Informatics Life Enrichment Learning Nursing Elective Nursing Research / Statistics Clinical Practicum Chinese Language English Language Common Core Curriculum 24 - 6 - - - - - - - - - - 6 6 24 18 12 12 - - - - - - - - - 6 - 6 12 - - 12 9 6 - - - - 6 - - 18 - - - - - - - 18 6 6 - - - - 12 18 - - - - - - - 12 - - 6 6 - 6 - 30 - - - Field of Study Allocation of Credits Total 66 66 51 60 60 5

Curriculum Structure Timetable arrangements may vary from year to year. Total no. of credits: 303 Exam Exam YEAR 5: 60 CREDITS SEP DEC JAN MAY JUN AUG Nursing of Older Adults (6 credits) Oncology Nursing and Palliative Care (6 credits) Healthcare Innovations: Leadership, Management and Informatics (6 credits) Clinical Reasoning in Practice (6 credits) Nursing Elective (6 credits) Nursing Practicum IVa (9 credits) Nursing Practicum IVb (21 credits) Ethics, Law and Professional Issues (9 credits) Critical Care and Emergency Nursing (6 credits) Clinical Pharmacology (6 credits) Life Sciences III (6 credits) Exam Life Enrichment Learning (6 credits) Exam Nursing Practicum IIa (9 credits) Nursing Practicum IIb (9 credits) YEAR 3: 51 CREDITS SEP DEC JAN MAY JUN AUG YEAR 2: 66 CREDITS Common Core Courses (6 credits) Academic Communication for Nursing Students (6 credits) Nursing of Adults I (9 credits) Life Sciences I (6 credits) Health Psychology (6 credits) Exam Common Core Courses (6 credits) Life Sciences II (6 credits) Nursing of Adults II (9 credits) Health Sociology (6 credits) Exam Nursing Practicum I (6 credits) SEP DEC JAN MAY JUN AUG YEAR 1: 66 CREDITS Common Core Courses (12 credits) Core University English (6 credits) Getting into Nursing (6 credits) Foundation of Life Sciences (6 credits) Clinical Skills in Practice (6 credits) Exam Common Core Courses (12 credits) Practical Chinese for Nursing Students (6 credits) Health Promotion and Education (6 credits) Health Assessment (6 credits) Exam SEP DEC JAN MAY JUN AUG Exam Exam YEAR 4: 60 CREDITS SEP DEC JAN MAY JUN AUG Nursing of Women and Infants (6 credits) Nursing of Children and Adolescents (6 credits) Research and Scholarship in Nursing (6 credits) Mental Health Nursing (6 credits) Essential Statistics (6 credits) Chinese Medicine and Nursing (6 credits) Community and Global Health Nursing (6 credits) Nursing Practicum IIIb (9 credits) Nursing Practicum IIIa (9 credits) 7

Graduates from the BNurs degree programme will be able to function independently to assess and appraise the healthcare needs of the community. Those who have satisfactorily completed all programme requirements will be eligible for direct registration as registered nurses with the Nursing Council of Hong Kong. PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION AND CAREER PROSPECTS Acquiring nursing skills and knowledge is crucial, but it is more important to serve with critical thinking, global vision, and an empathetic heart. Alex Wong BNurs 2022 8

BNurs-ALT (JS6418) ADVANCED LEADERSHIP TRACK (BNurs-ALT) THE BACHELOR OF NURSING An elite track designed for high caliber candidates who are high achievers and aspire to pursue an advanced and specialised nurse practice or a nurse- physician career in the healthcare sector. This track enables highly competent students to accomplish a dynamic and vigorous study plan and to fulfil accredited professional curricula at an accelerated pace. First and only bachelor’s nursing programme in Hong Kong to offer articulation to the HKU Master of Nursing (MNurs) or HKU Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) 9

Leadership Development Programme Students wi l l be able to acqui re unique leadership ski l ls and exper ient ial learning opportuni t ies in thei r study journey in nursing. Personal Mentors Throughout the Course of Study Students will be assigned a designated professoriate staff and an experienced nurse leader as personal mentors, who provide advice and guidance throughout the BNurs–ALT study. Students can learn from the great minds, expand their personal networks and broaden their horizons. Two Articulation Pathways BNurs–ALT is the first and only nursing track in Hong Kong that offers two articulation pathways*: * Subject to the fulfilment of MNurs/MBBS programme entry requirements. BNurs with first class honours and HKDSE “Chemistry” or “Combined Science (Chemistry)” are required for the MBBS articulation pathway. Articulation to Master of Nursing (MNurs) Students shall be admitted to 1-year part-time MNurs study, upon successful completion of the 5-year BNurs–ALT, and shall be able to OBTAIN ONE BACHELOR’S DEGREE AND ONE MASTER’S DEGREE IN NURSING IN 6 YEARS. 01 Articulation to Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) Students shall be admitted directly to HKU MBBS Year 2 and exempted from the Year 3 enrichment year requirement, upon successful completion of the 5-year BNurs–ALT degree with first class honours, and shall be able to OBTAIN TWO PROFESSIONAL DEGREES IN 9 YEARS. 02 Prospect: Advanced & Specialised Nurse Prospect: Nurse-physician 10

Highlighted Structure of BNurs-ALT Diversified Roadmaps The articulation pathways provided under the BNurs-ALT are subject to one’s interest, career aspiration and academic performance, etc. Scholarships covering the full composition fee of MNurs will be provided to students with exemplary academic performance. BNFT Year 1 MNurs MBBS Nursing philosophy Basic medical and surgical nursing skills Health assessment and health promotion and education Foundation of life sciences Take life sciences courses under BNurs-ALT Take an MBBS system block under life enrichment programme Take MNurs courses under the life enrichment programme Four-Year full-time study to complete the MBBS curriculum One-Year part-time study to complete the MNurs curriculum Year 2 Behavioural sciences Clinical practicum in community settings including community centres, outpatient clinics, old-aged homes and subacute hospital settings Interdisciplinary collaboration in a patient care project Year 3 Clinical pharmacology Professional issues, law and ethics Life enrichment programme Clinical practicum in hospital settings (from basic to advanced complex care) Year 4-5 Specialised clinical nursing Community and global health nursing Chinese medicine Interprofessional experience and research scholarship Clinical practicum in hospital settings (from basic to advanced complex care) Year 6 Year 7 - 9 Bachelor of Nursing degree completed Articulation pathways to MNurs or MBBS 11

#Best 5 based on the new HKU scoring system All students admitted to BNurs-ALT will be eligible for the Entrance and Academic Elite Scholarships at least for the 1st year (i.e. HK$63,100) subject to the “Senate maximum” for local UG students. Scholarships For more information on admissions Future Prospects Entrance and Academic Elite Scholarships in Nursing HKDSE students admitted to BNurs and BNurs-ALT Scholarship for the MNurs Articulation Pathway Scholarship covering full composition fee of MNurs will be offered to BNurs-ALT graduates with outstanding academic performance. Obtained a HKDSE score of 28—30.5(Best 5)# Award of under the Entrance Scholarship HK$10,000 Obtained a HKDSE score of 31or above (Best 5)# OR Qualify for the Academic Elite Scholarship from the 2nd to the 5th year of study upon achieving outstanding academic performance. Award of under the Entrance Scholarship HK$21,000 Total awarded value up to maximum of HK$231,500 HK$42,100 Academic Elite Scholarship (equivalent to the full composition fee of the first year of study) award of Competent and Transferable Skills Graduates are equipped with practical clinical skills and will be able to translate evidence-based theories into practice. Professional Recognition Graduates who have satisfactorily completed all programme requirements will be eligible for direct registration as registered nurses with the Nursing Council of Hong Kong. Global Leadership Graduates are trained with global leadership traits and will be able to work effectively across multidisciplinary teams around the world. Extensive Networks Graduates will gain an extensive professional network via clinical practicum from community centres and clinics to comprehensive teaching hospitals; and via research attachments and personal mentors. 12